Key information

  • When you see something you like from the list of ads, click on it and then on "Contact".
  • Depending on how old the ad is, it may cost you a banana to contact it.
  • After the contact, if the donator agrees, it's time to set up a meeting time to pick it up!

You can acquire free stuff easily, as soon as you sign up with Geev.

How do I get stuff that I'm interested in?

On Android On iOS
  1. When you see something you like from the list of ads, click on it. Once you're in the ad, all you have to do is click "Contact".
  2. If the ad is less than 48 hours old, It'll cost you one banana to let them know that you're interested. Go here for more on bananas.
    After 48 hours, the ad can be contacted without using a banana.
  3. You're now in the chat with the donator. Let them know you're interested in their object and set up a meeting time to pick it up.



In order to limit notifications, the Geever who's giving away the object can only see messages from 4 different Geevers at a time. The others are placed on a waiting list and will be seen if the Geever doesn't find a taker in the first 4.

It is equally possible that the donator will not see your request and will never respond to you. Feel free to try your luck with another object!


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