When you first start out with Geev, some of our terminology might be new to you. Here's a list of words we use and what they mean, to make sure you can navigate Geev with ease!

Geever A person who uses the Geev app
Banana A banana allows you to contact other Geevers and uncover the address of abandoned items on the street. Go here for more info on bananas!
Signalling an item on the street This signals an abandoned item found on the street. Note that you can adopt the item directly, no need to meet up with the person who let the community know about it.
Level There are 8 levels on Geev; your level depends on the number of donations you've made on the application. As you make donations, you will move up to a higher level on Geev.
Badge Badges are rewards for completing certain tasks like visiting the app, donating or adopting objects or signalling objects on the street.
Profile Your profile contains all of your information, ads you published, saved searches, as well as favourited and shared ads. You can also see your ad history.
Adoption This refers to picking up an object found on Geev.
Activity Your activity is the summary of your badges, validated ads or your reserved items.
Navigation bar This is the action bar on Geev. It's at the bottom of the app.
Geev Plus Geev Plus is an optional subscription allowing you to obtain advantages in the application and on the site (more bananas, exclusive ads,...)
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